CA Inter Law, Audit, SM by CA Siddharth Agarwal Sir for Sept25 Exams
Course Details
No of Lectures ; 70 Law, 70 Audit, 15 SM (Recorded)
No of Books : 4 Law. 4 Audit, 1 SM
Views : 1.5
Validity : 6 Months , 12 Months
ICAI Study Material is 100% covered in the Books & Classes.
Premium Books. Coloured Study Material.
Separate Questions Banks (Fully Solved) including MCQs.
All latest Case Study based Questions, MCQs discussed in the class with presentation. Sir marks clues in Every QnA for Fast Revision.
All latest Amendments covered in this batch.
100% Coverage. Exhaustive & Comprehensive Learning without time waste.
Thousands of self-doubts taught & discussed in class.
100 % Revision and Marathons on YouTube for Exam time support.
Continuous MCQs practise on YouTube community post throughout the year.
High Motivation Environment in classroom.
Constant Study motivation in class and on YouTube.
System Requiements !
1. Windows OS & Apple OSONLY Classes runs only on windows laptop (not on Desktop PC) OR
2. Android Mobile Application & Apple Mobile OS (Application cannot run on Motorola, Moto)
Operating System: Windows 11 & 12 and above. Processor: Core i3 Processor or above. RAM: 4 GB
Application can only be installed on an ANDROID Phone Required Minumum Configuration: Andoird Version: 6.0 and above; RAM 3GB; Internal Storage 32 GB.
Please Note: Application will be NOT be installed on Motorola Phones (including MOTO Series).